Storytelling for English Language Learners (CSEL 101)

Put your grammar books away and take a hands-on approach to your language acquisition. Merging creativity with English language learning, this course explores the elements of storytelling by looking at different mediums including comics, songs, fables, poetry, movies, and podcasts. With fun and dynamic projects, and peer and instructor feedback, you will develop your English storytelling skills with an emphasis on experimentation, playfulness, creation and presentation. Some key areas of language focus include grammar, pronunciation, art-related vocabulary, and the use of metaphor and simile.

This course runs Tuesday evenings online and Saturday mornings in person.

Course Format

Course offerings are available online (synchronous) and on campus. View schedule for current and upcoming formats.

Instructional Hours:
30 (10 classes, 3 hours per class)


  • None

Programs this course applies to

  • None

Tuition + Materials

Tuition is $555.90. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.